different days different colors. The last picture, upper left, is the final version. I think it is pretty true to the color. Put a fork in it, I'm done...
Some drawings from Saturday with Jessica and a new still life. Drawings range from conte to pastel. Some great poses and light. The still life was set up on the kitchen counter.
Some drawings from Saturday night. These are all conte on newsprint. A nice surface to draw on but not very archival. I'm drawing here with the broad side of the crayons giving things a very structural hard edge. I like to pick out a point of interest in the pose and press down very hard accentuating it.
A portrait done at open session life art. I'm trying to incorporate a little more interesting backgrounds without taking away from the main interest. I had that side backlight thing going on again.
Here are a few new ones. Two are fairly quick pastels and one is a work in progress oil painting. The oil painting is done with a grey scale under painting (grisaille) and glazed over. Something I've been experimenting with a long time and finally kinda getting what those great (according to me) painters were doing. This is still new to me in some ways and I hope I can do it justice.
some new pastels from life drawing. I was trying to utilize the mid values of the paper. I need to incorporate some of this looseness and freshness in my paintings...
Some recent drawings from life and a painting from a reference photograph. I like the mystery and freshness of the work from life. The painting from the reference has some of that feel to it too.
New paintings and drawings. Two are done from life and one from a reference photograph. There is quite a mix here, oil, watercolour, and Conte with colored pencil.