Thursday, January 26, 2012


The catch for a friend that is retiring. 14x11, oil on panel

Mary, oil on panel, 12x9. Musing at the Muse.

Monday, January 23, 2012


a painting from a famous play and photograph. Not due to my love of the 49ers but for a friends retirement.11x14 oil on panel There is a painting from the muse too. 9x12 oil on panel.

Monday, January 9, 2012


oil on a panel, 12x12. From a reference. Limited palette of seven colors. So, is seven colors limited? I used three reds, a blue, a yellow, raw umber, and white. The reds vary significantly from one another. Cad red, transparent red oxide and pyrollo ruby. I don't know about the spelling of the last one or if it is considered a red.